Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Future of this Blog....To Be Decided

So the semester is almost done. I'm greatly anticipating the winter break, as its already starting to snow, and I just booked my trip to Vegas.

But as this class - Social Networking and Business - comes to a close, I'm trying to decide what to do with this blog. I've been thinking about all the different facets of my life, trying to decide on a blogging topic.

My Major and Future Career: Accounting
In a recent assignment, we had the task of studying the blogging styles of some "famed" bloggers. I was drawn the blog "The Evil HR Lady." This got me thinking, you can really blog about anything and make it interesting. Which also got me thinking -- I'm starting my career as an Accountant, as an intern this upcoming semester, and then I've accepted a full-time job offer for September 2008, why not do an Accounting blog.

Doing a quick Google Search, I found a notable few, but the one that stuck out was "The Anonymous Accountant"

My Sorority
Growing up in State College, right where Penn State is, I myself had this stereotype of Greek Life. I honestly joined my sorority at AU on a whim. And now I myself find myself fighting against this "sorority girl" stereotype. But with that said, my sorority has been such a valuable part of my collegiate experience. And oddly enough, the recruitment process is very similar to the recruitment process for Public Accountants.

Life In General
Maybe this might be a good place to just track the random things that happen in life.

For example, I was walking home last night after a tiring night of waitressing and saw a raccoon on the sidewalk, and a biker speeding right towards it. I guess the biker figured the raccoon would stay put, allowing him to maneuver around the rodent. The raccoon pulled a fast one, and the biker hit it head on, doing a 360 in the air as the raccoon shuffled back into the woods. I rushed to the biker to see if he was OK - its not everyday you run into a raccoon. He was OK, and he was British. And he stopped to chat for a few minutes about the obscurity of the event. (oo la la). Sooo random. hahahah.

Anyway, I guess I'll be floating these ideas in my mind for a while.

Best of luck with finals, and all future endeavors.