Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Future of this Blog....To Be Decided

So the semester is almost done. I'm greatly anticipating the winter break, as its already starting to snow, and I just booked my trip to Vegas.

But as this class - Social Networking and Business - comes to a close, I'm trying to decide what to do with this blog. I've been thinking about all the different facets of my life, trying to decide on a blogging topic.

My Major and Future Career: Accounting
In a recent assignment, we had the task of studying the blogging styles of some "famed" bloggers. I was drawn the blog "The Evil HR Lady." This got me thinking, you can really blog about anything and make it interesting. Which also got me thinking -- I'm starting my career as an Accountant, as an intern this upcoming semester, and then I've accepted a full-time job offer for September 2008, why not do an Accounting blog.

Doing a quick Google Search, I found a notable few, but the one that stuck out was "The Anonymous Accountant"

My Sorority
Growing up in State College, right where Penn State is, I myself had this stereotype of Greek Life. I honestly joined my sorority at AU on a whim. And now I myself find myself fighting against this "sorority girl" stereotype. But with that said, my sorority has been such a valuable part of my collegiate experience. And oddly enough, the recruitment process is very similar to the recruitment process for Public Accountants.

Life In General
Maybe this might be a good place to just track the random things that happen in life.

For example, I was walking home last night after a tiring night of waitressing and saw a raccoon on the sidewalk, and a biker speeding right towards it. I guess the biker figured the raccoon would stay put, allowing him to maneuver around the rodent. The raccoon pulled a fast one, and the biker hit it head on, doing a 360 in the air as the raccoon shuffled back into the woods. I rushed to the biker to see if he was OK - its not everyday you run into a raccoon. He was OK, and he was British. And he stopped to chat for a few minutes about the obscurity of the event. (oo la la). Sooo random. hahahah.

Anyway, I guess I'll be floating these ideas in my mind for a while.

Best of luck with finals, and all future endeavors.

1 comment:

BizCover Professional Indemnity Insurance said...

Interesting post, like the guy above me said, it's well written and I am looking forward to learning more about your future. BizCover professional indemnity insurance knows many people in your situation, and we tend to help them (particularly when they open up their own businesses).

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