Sunday, October 28, 2007

Making Connections

With more people spending more and more time online, both at home and work, there seems to be numerous benefits social networking sites like LinkedIn. These kind of sites seem like Facebook but for strictly business purposes. So, instead of exchanging business cards, professionals can now search each others profiles. This seems like a networking dream, to have access to current information (e-mail)of those in your professional network, and beyond. I think this can also help strengthen weak connections. For example, some of the companies I've interviewed with send me short bios and pictures of my interviewers. But with these websites, I can just look them up and put a face to the name. Another major pro is that this helps divide personal and professional connections. A major problem with Facebook is that the profile you want your friends to see, you may not want your employer to see. LinkedIn has all the networking perks of Facebook, with more of a business focus.

But in reality - how strong are these connections? How comfortable would you be to refer someone you met in LinkedIn? Or how willing would you be to allow someone access to your personal network? And often, our personal and professional networks are blurred. Another problem with these sites is low traffic. People just don't seem to be using them on a daily basis like Facebook.

I'm curious of everyone's thoughts - would you create one of these profiles? Would you use it?


Sarah said...

"A major problem with Facebook is that the profile you want your friends to see, you may not want your employer to see."

that's not exactly true though. While it may be a pain in the bum to to a different style limited profile for each person you add, it's still available.

Also, I do liked some things about linkedIn but I have to say I don't like how there is a very small amount of personal information about each person. In order to have those professional connections actually bond you need to have other things in common that you can only get by sharing some amount of personal info. **puts soapbox away**

Mike said...

You know what is nice about having a smaller network on LinkedIn as compared to Facebook? If I was a supervisor I wouldn't have to check through profiles that say "favorite music: brittney spears! OMG LMAO!; favorite books: Harry PoTtEr! OMG LOLOL!; grade: 9th". No. I can get directly to the professionals and those interested in passing resumes along. I wouldn't have to deal with middle schoolers/high schoolers.

khaled said...

well Colleen you raised good questions. I think that when doing doing business, people not necessarly need to have strong connections with other business people. as long as the business needs are met, strong personal connections doesn't matter that much. however, as you mentioned, I wouldn't be comfortable when thinking that anyone can access my personal info. so probably i'll just try not put to much personal info. :)